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Conversation Topics | 2024-09-19

Dishing The Deets: How To Talk to Girls

Tune into expert tips about how to talk to girls online and create meaningful friendships with cool gals across the globe!


Girls have been driving compelling conversations for millennia. And yet, it’s hard to find a good book on how to talk to girls. So if past generations could manage a good chat with the gals, there’s no doubt you can too.

Throughout history, women may have been described as having a mysterious or impervious energy. The modern woman can characterize basically anything under the sun. Having female friends exposes you to a world of colors and new experiences. So, forget impressions: Initiating a convo with a gal isn’t about perfect lines or clever tricks. It's a call to forge genuine connections through meaningful conversation and breezy dialogue.
If you feel a little awkward talking to girls, you'll learn here how to show up as the most confident version of yourself. By chatting with people from all around the world on Azar, you can sharpen social skills in video chat and real life.

Cracking Girl Code

Female communications are nuanced, so they don't fit nicely in a one-size-fits-all manual. Could you imagine describing the sky as exactly the same every day? The world might feel a little boring. In the same way, women tend to bring variegated energy to the table in conversation.

Let's look at feminine social cues and explore ways to interpret and respond to them.

Body Language

Researcher Albert Mehrabian found that communication is built from 55% nonverbal components, 38% vocal and only 7% words — for both men and women. This is known as the 55/38/7 formula. It indicates that tone of voice and body language convey messages woven through the spoken word. Takes the pressure off perfecting your one-liner, right?

Below are a few nonverbal signals to watch for:

Tone of Voice

A girl's tone of voice may be bright and self-assured, or soft and subdued depending on her mood or experiences that day. Tune into her vocal tone and match her energy to establish that you're on the same page.

Eye Contact

When a girl makes regular eye contact (or looks directly into the camera in a video chat) she's engaged in the conversation and attentive to what you have to say. If her eyes veer into the distance frequently, she could feel distracted or uncomfortable.


While not exclusive to females, body language mirroring implies that you have your conversation partner's full attention. When a girl mimics your subtle body language gestures — such as crossed legs or hand placement — she likely feels comfortable and relaxed.

Use subtle body language mirroring to communicate that she's got your attention too.


When talking to a girl online, tone of voice and body language are less evident immediately. Emoticons help convey meaning when we can't see facial expressions. It may not be surprising to learn that the top five most used emojis for men and women are the same, although they appear in different orders of precedence for each gender. Here are some common ways to interpret emojis a girl sends to you:

  • 😂 Laughing Face: The laughing face — with or without tears — means she finds you funny or wants to express something lighthearted.
  • ❤️ The Heart: While the heart is an affectionate emoji, girls often use it to show they’re speaking from the heart or they genuinely care. Heart emojis don't always entail romance online.
  • 😊 Smiley Face: A smiley face used alone or attached to the end of a sentence typically means she feels happy and wants to show good vibes.
  • 😘 Blowing a Kiss: When chatting on video or through message apps, ladies may blow a friendly kiss to say hello or goodbye to their conversation partner. This emoji is used routinely — and casually — by many girls.
  • 😭 Crying Face: A crying face means one of two things: Either she's had a rough time with an experience or she’s laughing so hard she's crying. For an optional third, it could mean both.
  • 💥 Specialized Emojis: Girls may use unique emojis to express their personality and interests or to depict ideas surplus to what they've verbally stated.

Flirting vs. Friendliness

Women tend to show more compassion and affection than guys in everyday conversation. Although, keep in mind that this isn't a hard and fast rule.

If she's smiling often, expressing dynamic body movements or sending affectionate emojis, she may just feel at ease; it doesn't necessarily mean she’s flirting. A confident and interested girl will be upfront.

If she isn’t clear that she is flirting, it's best to assume she has an amicable personality and her communication style doesn't indicate deeper subliminal messages.

Striking Up Convos and Building Vibes

Nailing the conversation starter is usually the most challenging aspect of an engaging conversation. Meaningful connections result from an environment where you both feel relaxed and authentic. You can transition small talk into a great conversation with a few icebreaker questions and a solid strategy to get things flowing. Here are some ways to start:

Ask Interesting Questions

Conventional questions like, “How was your day?” tend to elicit standard one-word responses. But you can shake things up to create a focus for her, such as “What was your favorite part about today?” or “What was the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?”

These questions show that you're genuinely interested, create a positive foundation and encourage her to share what's on her mind.

Find Common Ground and Shared Interests

Once a girl has spoken about herself, ask a few follow-up questions to find something you relate to. It's like playing connect the dots: Discovering similar philosophies or common experiences is the first part of forging authentic friendships — especially if they're quirky or out-of-the-box.

As your friendship deepens, bring up her interests in subsequent convos. For example, ask how a side-project is going or mention you streamed the movie she recommended. She'll appreciate that you remembered.

Relate to Her Experiences

Relatability is the precursor to connection. Validate girls’ experiences by showing you empathize with their ideas and points of view. This doesn't require blindly agreeing with everything a girl says — she'll sense the inauthenticity. Building genuine links between her experience and yours develops trust and alliance.

Everyone loves to hear their name, so naturally dropping it in now and again demonstrates that you are paying attention to her.

Listen Actively

Active listening involves eliminating distractions and offering your full attention. Ask open questions to clarify a girl's perspectives and add thoughts and insights to keep the convo dynamic.
Here's a lil’ pro-tip: Pick a well-chosen word she's used in dialogue and ask why she selected that word in particular. It shows you're listening and paying attention to the details.

Ask For a Favor

When doing someone a favor, you'd assume they would like you more after. But for a long time, science has shown it actually makes us appreciate them more. That's because our brains justify our actions by assuming we highly regard the person we're assisting.

So ask her for some light help like music recommendations to play in the background and she may find you more likable than before!

Make Her Laugh

Laughing has a way of making girls feel relaxed and connected. If you're goofy and creative, let that part of you shine! If you're more intellectual, tell her something inspiring like an interesting new word you learned lately. It's all about letting go of your serious side.

During video chats, move in and around the camera frame to add humor as you're telling a story. Or, consider asking fun questions to ramp up her engagement in the conversation.

Kick Off the Convo With These Ideas

If you're looking for specific topics to talk about with girls as you start chatting, try some of these ideas:

  • Musical Preferences: Studies show that musical preferences can reveal more about someone's character than information obtained in other zero-acquaintance contexts. If you play an instrument, meeting musical girls is a great way to establish a connection based on similar interests.
  • Travel Experiences: Everyone loves to dream — or reminisce about dreamy moments. Ask about a girl's favorite travel experiences. For women who haven't had many, find out which ones they'd like to have.
  • Future Aspirations: “Where would you like to be in five years?” might make a girl feel like she's in a job interview. But finding out what kind of impact she wants to leave on the world is a surefire way to draw her into a deeper conversation from the offset.
  • Pets and Animals: Pet parents love talking about their fur babies. Chances are, she’ll have a funny story about a pet — past or present. If she doesn't have pets, ask which animal she'd love to have in an ideal world. Failing that, check out her favorite animal video or share one yourself.
  • Ask For a Fun Fact: Whether you ask for a fun fact about her or quirky information she remembers, requesting a fun fact leaves the stage open for her to show off some personality. You could offer to share silly insights first to create a safe place for her to follow suit.

Cooking Up Confidence Boosters

Talking to new girls can be intimidating for girls and guys alike. But when you approach the conversation confidently, you'll both start bouncing off the same positive energy. Use the following tips to boost your self-confidence before talking to girls online.

1. Put Yourself Out There

Nothing exudes courage more than someone willing to put themselves on the line and initiate a conversation. Remember the 55/28/7 rule? Holding a straight posture, an easygoing smile and a steady tone of voice (think: deep breaths) can make you look cool and confident even when you're not feeling it.

If you get struck with a dose of nerves during the convo, being vulnerable and open about it can have a powerful effect. First, she will likely empathize and connect with you (we all know how much the nerves suck). Second, you take unapologetic ownership of feelings in the moment. That's charismatic!

2. Master Confidence (Not Arrogance)

Confidence is when we feel secure in our passions and abilities. Arrogance comes from an inflated sense of our prowess. This doesn't mean you should downplay your achievements — just be real. Share credit, successes and lessons openly.

If a girl gives you a compliment, thank her gracefully and ask about her experiences or thoughts on the subject.

3. Laugh at Yourself

We all get embarrassed; the easiest ticket out is to have a good belly laugh. A strong sense of humor and making light of the silly things we do is endearing, whether you're speaking with an old friend or someone new.

Likewise, if a girl feels embarrassed, laughing with her will strengthen your bond and make you both feel more relaxed.

4. Don't Try Too Hard

Appearing in her inbox daily works great for some girls and less-than-ideally for others. To be direct, ask how much time or space a gal has for regular interaction. Set expectations from the beginning.

If you prefer a more subtle approach, follow her lead. When she doesn't reply back immediately, relax and revisit the conversation later.

5. Realize It's OK to Fail

Conversations are a two-way street. Should you open dialogue with a girl who doesn't want to talk, there are plenty of other people out there who do! On the other hand, if the two of you don't vibe as expected, don’t worry. Azar offers a space where you can engage in one-to-one video chats with so many personalities online to build and boost your confidence! Jump on Azar and get chatting with girls from around the world who you're likely to get along with.

How To Keep Your Chat Game Respectful

The pinnacle of a thriving friendship is mutual respect and collaboration. By keeping your chat game polite and positive, you can carve meaningful relationships with any girl online. Here's how:

  • Communicate and Respect Boundaries: Across all social media interactions, it's necessary to establish boundaries with the other person. That way, your conversation partner knows how you expect to be treated and you know how to treat her.
  • Subjects to Avoid During First Interactions: In general, it's best not to use a pick-up line — even if you're talking to a pretty girl — since this can create a gray area for trust early. Stick to general subjects and avoid asking for (or giving out) sensitive personal information.
  • How To Tell if a Girl is Disengaging: If a woman stops making eye contact or is otherwise unresponsive, she may be disinterested in the conversation. There could be personal or interpersonal reasons behind her cues. The best course of action is to give space and let her decide when she wants to pick the dialogue back up.
  • Handling Rejection Gracefully: If either of you feels like you're not vibing, try to stay sensitive about rejection. It's never easy regardless of which side you're on. Keep it short, natural and light.

Get Talking With Girls

Sparking engaging conversations with gals can carry a distinct energy from kicking back with the guys. Girls can offer thoughts and perspectives that come only from the female experience.

One of the biggest reasons why we freeze up when talking to women is limited exposure. With Azar, you can access conversations with girls worldwide and practice your new skills over one-to-one video chats in real-time.

So, now you know how to talk to girls and your convo toolkit is on lock, it's time to put yourself out there and find new female friends for your virtual social circle. Connect with interesting girls in an environment where you can feel comfortable and relaxed by initiating a conversation on Azar. By practicing one-to-one convos with girls in a casual and fun space, you can build confidence and make great new friends.

Start chatting now!

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*Hyperconnect LLC does not operate these services. Azar is a separate service.


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