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Conversation Topics | 2024-10-30

63 Funny Conversation Starters for New Friends

Discover funny conversation starters to break the ice and keep interactions light and enjoyable when meeting new people.


While you wouldn't use your humerus bone to break actual ice, you can use your sense of humor to break the ice in an online chat. Funny conversation starters help us learn about new friends' perspectives and lay the foundation for a deeper connection. Plus, how can you not want to talk to someone who guarantees a good belly laugh every time you chat?

Everyone has different ideas about what's funny; sometimes our jokes just don't land. But not to worry — today we're bringing the 63 funniest conversation starters for meeting new friends in one-to-one chats online, regardless of your humor type!

How Humor Helps Us Bond

There is a clear link between humor, relationships and mental health. Laughing releases endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and all sorts of feel-good chemicals designed to lighten the mood and brighten our days. It should come as no surprise, then, that laughing is associated with an increased sense of bonding — even when you don't know the person you're having a laugh with.

Nowadays, 94% of Millennials and Gen Z expect brands to be funny. If we need brands to make us laugh, it's almost certain we want to laugh with our friends too. Note, however, that we said laughing with friends and not at them. So how do you keep the conversation respectful and connect with a new friend through humor?

How To Nail Humor and Get a Laugh

We all know that glorious feeling when a joke lands and everyone cracks up. But have you ever told a joke you thought was earth-shatteringly hilarious, only to find your audience staring back at you blank-faced because they just don't get it? We've all been there. Here are some tips to ensure your joke wins with your new chat buddy.

Tailor Humor to Your Audience

It's okay to open with a generic conversation starter when meeting someone for the first time. Going too niche too soon doesn't allow you to get to know who they are, what they value and what sort of humor they vibe with.
Establish a connection with your chat partner first, then go in for the kill when you know what's appropriate, respectful and funny through their filter.

Using Humor Effectively

Sometimes what makes us laugh is more about how or when a joke is delivered than the joke itself. Those who nail humor choose their timing and subject material wisely.

Remember to vary your tone during a comic story or joke, and animate your body and facial expression to captivate your audience. Small pauses create suspense and impact — especially as you deliver the punchline.

Funny Conversation Starters For All Types of Humor

Forget boring conversation topics. Wanna know how to talk to anyone and get a good laugh? Try your hand at these conversation icebreakers below:


Get-To-Know-You Funny Conversation Starters

If you're meeting someone for the first time, these questions will help you discover more about them in a relaxed, lighthearted way.

  1. What's the strangest thing that happened to you in high school?
  2. What's the worst advice you received from a boss, teacher or mentor?
  3. If aliens invaded Earth, what's the weirdest thing you'd want them to know about our planet?
  4. Did you have an imaginary friend as a kid, and what do you think they're doing right now?
  5. What's your favorite song associated with a core memory in your life?
  6. What's your most embarrassing moment where you've asked a silly question or said something totally cringe by accident?
  7. If you were stranded on a desert island, what do you think your favorite hobby would be?
  8. What's the funniest thing you've seen on social media lately?

Slapstick Conversation Starters

This is all about physical comedy — think slipping on a banana peel or spilling a drink in the most dramatic way possible. Use these in goofy, carefree online convos.

  1. If you could be a clumsy superhero, what would your catchphrase be?
  2. If you had to run across a room full of LEGO pieces barefoot for $1000, would you do it?
  3. Have you ever tripped over absolutely nothing and tried to turn it into a cool dance move?
  4. What’s the most ridiculous way you’ve injured yourself while doing something super simple?
  5. Why do people get more excited about free bread at restaurants than the actual meal?

Observational Humor Convo Starters

Humor based on everyday oddities is ideal for sharing relatable moments and building rapport.

  1. Why is it that everyone suddenly becomes a professional weather commentator the second it rains?
  2. Why do we all pretend that we know how to walk when someone is watching us?
  3. Why do socks mysteriously vanish from the laundry? Are they starting a new life in a parallel universe?
  4. Why does it always take 50 tries to plug in a USB correctly, even though there are only two sides?
  5. Isn't it weird how pets can stare at you for hours, and we find that normal?

Satirical Conversation Starters

Satirical humor is funny because it exaggerates reality. This is great for poking fun at modern culture in a witty conversation.

  1. Do you think there’s a secret Illuminati society that controls all avocado toast prices?
  2. Is it just me, or is adulting basically paying bills for things you didn’t know you needed?
  3. Do you think every time someone says “I’m not a robot” online, a robot somewhere is crying?
  4. Have you ever bought something online, totally forgot about it, and then had a package arrive as a surprise gift from your past self?
  5. Did you know it's illegal to walk a duck in Illinois? What’s the weirdest law you've ever accidentally broken?

Deadpan Conversation Starters

Deadpan is all about delivering jokes with zero emotion, so the ridiculousness of the statement hits harder. Use these with friends who’ll appreciate your stone-faced sarcasm during banter.

  1. Do you think birds watch us and have theories about why we drive cars?
  2. Have you ever thought about how some people think soup is a meal? Like, where’s the solid part?
  3. How long do you think we can keep pretending that Monday isn’t just a conspiracy to keep us all miserable?
  4. Do you ever consider the possibility that no one’s actually good at parallel parking?
  5. Do you ever think WiFi passwords are humanity’s way of testing each other’s patience?

Lighthearted, Self-Depreciating Funny Conversation Starters

Gently making fun of “duh” moments can make you feel more relatable and lead to excellent stories.

  1. If dropping food was a sporting event, do you think you'd make a competitive participant?
  2. Have you ever lost something you're holding in your hand?
  3. You ever had one of those days where even your coffee looks at you like, “What now?”
  4. If life had an undo button, what’s the most chaotic situation you’d rewind out of right now?
  5. On a scale from 1 to “I forgot my own birthday,” how often do you misplace the obvious?

Awkward Funny Conversation Starters

Lean into those cringe moments. Use awkward funny convo starters to break the ice or lighten the energy.

  1. Have you ever lost an argument with yourself?
  2. Is it weird that I can never tell if someone’s waving at me or the person behind me?
  3. Have you ever said “you too” to a waiter after they say “enjoy your meal”?
  4. What’s your go-to move when you say goodbye to someone and end up walking in the same direction?
  5. Have you ever laughed at a joke and later realized you didn’t get it, but it was too late to ask?

Dark Humor Convo Starters

Dark jokes make fun of “twisted” topics in a sharp, funny way. With the right audience, these openers can be an epic hit.

  1. Would your plants throw a party or hold a silent vigil if you went missing?
  2. Do you ever wonder if your shadow has a mind of its own and is just waiting for the right moment to escape?
  3. When was the last time you were outsmarted by inanimate objects?
  4. If you could haunt your least favorite appliance, which one would you mess with first?
  5. Ever feel like the universe gives you just enough time to get comfortable before throwing in a plot twist?

Situational Funny Conversation Starters

Get some laughs based on what’s happening at the moment or what you would do in an absurd scenario.

  1. If this video chat froze right now, what face would you hope you’re making?
  2. What would be your escape plan if a spider crawled across your camera screen mid-conversation?
  3. If you had to deliver a speech in front of a mirror today, what’s the pep talk you’d give yourself?
  4. If your pet suddenly spoke up during this conversation, what’s the first thing they’d roast you for?
  5. If you had to survive in a zombie apocalypse with only the items in your room, how long do you think you'd last?

Double Meaning Conversation Starters

Clever wordplay that has two interpretations — one straightforward, one more tongue-in-cheek. Use these when you want to sound witty in a playful conversation.

  1. Ever think about how time flies, but your to-do list stays grounded?
  2. If someone told you to “break a leg” in real life, what’s the least dramatic way you think that would play out?
  3. What’s your go-to excuse when your phone autocorrects “right” to “tight” in a serious convo?
  4. If I said “Let’s roll,” are you more likely to grab your car keys or a burrito?
  5. If you could have a conversation with “time,” do you think it would fly, drag or just straight-up ghost you?

Impromptu Conversation Starters

Quick, off-the-cuff humor like saying, “What’s your spirit animal? Mine’s a potato,” is ideal for keeping the mood light and spontaneous during random conversations.

  1. What’s your most random skill?
  2. What would you do if your phone turned into a sandwich right now?
  3. If you had to rename the color blue, what would you call it?
  4. If I told you to make up a dance move right now, what would it be called?
  5. If you had to invent a holiday, what’s it for and what’s the food?
  6. First word that comes to your mind when I say “pineapple”? Go!
  7. If you had to create a new emoji on the spot, what would it be and why?
  8. If you could only speak in song lyrics for the rest of this conversation, what song are you starting with?
  9. What do you think is the most boring superpower?
  10. What’s an absurd life hack that you actually swear by?

Humor Green Flags

As you brush up on your conversation skills and embrace shared laughter with new online friends, keep in mind these green flags for funny conversations:

  • Appropriate humor: Sometimes the inappropriate nature of jokes makes them funny. Other times, it can be downright offensive. Center your laughs around lighthearted topics for the best results.

  • Balance: Too many jokes in a chat is more often than not the best thing ever. However, stringing joke after joke can potentially dig into sensitive spots — even if the person found it funny at first. Reading and responding to your chat partner's energy (and laughing at their jokes) is a huge green flag.

  • Excellent timing: Before jumping aboard the funny wagon, check you're in the right conversation for laughs. For instance, if your friend feels down, a joke could either lighten the mood or exacerbate and invalidate their emotions. Use your judgment and stay respectful.

  • Stating your boundaries: If someone says something offensive or oversteps a line, you're under zero obligation to validate their behavior. Speaking up and remaining clear about your boundaries is a big green flag in a good conversation.

Get New Friends Laughing on Azar

Starting new online connections on the right foot is a surefire way to build them into genuine and aligned friendships. Learning how to get a laugh from someone in digital or real-life chats is a great social skill — and almost guaranteed to lead to a fun conversation.

Inject a dose of humor into your interactions on Azar, share some laughs and see where your connections take you.

Start Chatting now!

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